Bible Tribe

Bible Tribe Word of the Day ©2022

Bible Tribe Verse of the Day ©2021

Verse of the Day and Word of the Day Bible Tribe Reading Plans

It began with God impressing on my heart to help others to have consistent time in His word through a Bible Reading Plan a few years back and subsequently I attempted to do a Facebook Live each day from my time with Jesus in 2020. The premise was to have fresh manna each morning and to share it with others who also wanted accountability to be in God’s word daily. Only problem was, I ended up getting Melanoma and having surgery in March, then later that year COVID, which made it difficult to carry out the mission of every day showing up and being live on Facebook.

That first year God did amazing things in my heart; sometimes the devotions lasted 15-30 minutes!!! Our culture is so busy, and God’s word is often the last priority. To help get into God’s word more consistently, I changed the format of the Bible Tribe in 2021 to be broadcast on YouTube as well as podcasts, between 2–5 minutes long. This leaves time for you to get into God’s word and to get your own nuggets of revelation from Jesus. It also makes a way for me to pre-record in case life happens. Which, it usually does!

Structure your time with God however works best for you. Rise early or stay up late, but don’t miss encountering the One Who made you. Each day of life is a gift and a challenge. Walking with Christ enables us to live this life well for His glory.

The 2021 Bible Tribe Journal focused on a verse of the day from the reading plan. The 2022 Bible Tribe Journal version is diving deeper into one word to focus on each day. Each word and verse are hand-selected, and the journal pages have the verse and word of the day printed on the page corresponding with the Bible reading plan. The word study will examine the usage of a specific word in the Bible reading plan and look at cultural or contextual clues to help bring the word alive to us today in our context.

You are not alone, friend. Join the Bible Tribe in seeking God together! For further encouragement, you can hop over to the Bible Tribe Facebook Group, where the Bible reading of the day is discussed: www.facebook.com/groups/thebibletribe.

To access the YouTube videos, visit:

Verse of the Day: https://bit.ly/Bible-Tribe-Verse-of-the-Day

Word of the Day: https://bit.ly/Bible-Tribe-Word-of-the-Day

Or utilize the QR code on each page of the journal. To listen in to the podcast, subscribe to the Bible Tribe on your podcast app., or visit: www.denisepass.com/the-bible-tribe

Bible Tribe Broadcast

Bible Tribe Podcast

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