
Taming social media

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Taming Social Media

This month we are discussing taming social media. In short, previously we have explored best practices with social media and things to avoid. In general, social media use can get out-of-hand. But managing social media is about striking a balance.

Taming Social Media—Bringing Balance

However, bringing balance by posting positive content for our sphere of influence helps us to keep a proper focus. All the same, it is easy to get off balance with social media. Consequently, scrolling through newsfeeds and stories can cause us to lose a lot of time and lose perspective of what matters most.

In summary, we can find balance again when we tame social media by being proactive rather than reactive in our use. Listen in as Denise and her son Daniel Dovel continue their discussion of a healthy approach toward social media.

On the whole, our world is more connected and yet disconnected because of being so connected. Even so, we can learn how to use social media well so we can ultimately be healthier in our relationships in person and online.

Our Hosts

Denise Pass

Denise Pass

Daniel Dovel

Daniel Dovel
Denise Pass is a national speaker with Compassion International and a women’s conference speaker, CCM Artist/Songwriter and worship leader with Seeing Deep Ministries. She’s the author of Shame Off You and 31 Days to Hope Reinvented. And she has written several songs that received radio airplay, including You Are Worthy and Layers. In her spare time she serves as a volunteer for Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Denise and her husband live near Fredericksburg, VA. Denise homeschooled for 23 years and is the mom of four adult children and one high schooler..

Daniel Dovel is the oldest son of Denise and is a graduate from Liberty University in Digital Communications. He is a songwriter and works for Chick-fil-a

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