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Ever wonder what the big deal is between the controversy over Creation versus evolution? Why does it even matter? Here in March we are doing a series on exploring the human condition within our culture. Join Denise Pass and Micah Maddox as they interview our special guest, Brian Thomas, to help us unravel some of the mystery behind the controversy of evolution and creation and specifically, to discuss what we have seen in our culture about the racial issues that pop up and try to divide us.

Did you know that the Institute for Creation Research is building a discovery center? The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History will demonstrate how science confirms the Bible. The ICR website is a great resource to answer any questions you may have about creation versus evolution.

***BONUS: A set of 4 books by Brian Thomas will be given to one of our listeners. Leave a comment or a question on this post about this important topic. What have you learned or what would you like to know?

When Jesus spoke of creation in the Bible, He was not telling a fairy tale. Our God is real. And He made you and me – all in the image of God.

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