
Can God Be Trusted?

Can God Be Trusted?

We learn today about the process of crying out and what that looks like. There is a battle that we go through to get to the right frame of mind when life is hard. Can God be trusted even when He allows suffering in? Through the Psalmist we watch the struggle to trust even when life hurts.

Bible Reading of the Day: Psalm 87-89

There is a battle going on in the Psalms today. And It is a battle to trust God or not. When hard times hit, will we trust God? Hard times reveal our true character and what we rely on. And due to the hard places, we learn to trust in God alone.

Overview of Today’s Reading

In Psalm 87, there is a tale of two cities. There is Zion, which is the earthly Jerusalem in verses 1-3, and then there is the Heavenly Jerusalem in verses 4-6. Those who are numbered in the book of life were born again. (v. 5-6). And then in Psalm 88 it is a cry of desperation that teaches us to pray to God in the hard and good times. And finally, in Psalm 89 we learn to look to God’s promises when times are hard.

Can God Be Trusted—When We Suffer?

In Psalm 88, The Psalmist begins by describing his plight:

“Lord, God of my salvation,
I cry out before you day and night.
May my prayer reach your presence;
listen to my cry.

For I have had enough troubles,
and my life is near Sheol.
I am counted among those going down to the Pit.
I am like a man without strength,
abandoned among the dead.
I am like the slain lying in the grave,
whom you no longer remember,
and who are cut off from your care.”

Can God Be Trusted—When He Allowed the Suffering?

The Psalmist is consistent in prayer. He is suffering and crying out to God in verses 1-5. Then there is a shift. He shifts to what I would say is blaming God in v. 6-9

“You have put me in the lowest part of the Pit, in the darkest places, in the depths. 7 Your wrath weighs heavily on me; you have overwhelmed me with all your waves. Selah 8 You have distanced my friends from me; you have made me repulsive to them. I am shut in and cannot go out. 9 My eyes are worn out from crying. Lord, I cry out to you all day long; I spread out my hands to you.”

Ultimately, he shifts again to ask God questions in v. 10-11, followed by his decision to continue to cry out to God in verse 13:

“But I call to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer meets you.”

It is due to God’s faithfulness that we know anything He allows in He does not waste. Above all, when we seek God’s glory more than our deliverance, we realize that suffering was a gift.

Can God Be Trusted—When the Suffering Remains?

But then he adds a little P.S. in case God did not see his S.O.S. in Psalm 88:13-18

“Lord, why do you reject me? Why do you hide your face from me? 15 From my youth, I have been suffering and near death. I suffer your horrors; I am desperate. 16 Your wrath sweeps over me; your terrors destroy me. 17 They surround me like water all day long; they close in on me from every side. 18 You have distanced loved one and neighbor from me; darkness is my only friend.”

When life hurts, doubting God will only make it hurt more. God cannot be unfaithful. What if the suffering remains? Will we trust God still? When we lean in and seek God in the midst of life, it ends our strife. Oh, the troubles can still surround us, but we are hidden in Jesus.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 89:15-17

“Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord. 16 They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation. They exult in your righteousness. 17 You are their glorious strength. It pleases you to make us strong.”


  • God is trustworthy. And when we are tempted to doubt Him, we can look at His promises and His character for hope.
  • Hard times don’t break us—they make us.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #214: Psalm 87-89

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 89:15-17

Listen: https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Ps.87

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