by Denise Pass | May 2, 2021
The Importance of Moms The importance of moms cannot fully be fully expressed. Evidently, according to, if you calculate the worth of moms based on what they do, it is a six-figure income! And the bible also says that her worth is more than rubies. This...
by Denise Pass | Apr 25, 2021
I Choose Brave Part 2 Choosing brave living and embrace holy courage is hard in a world with rampant fear. But we can comfort in knowing we serve a risen Savior who freely offers hope. This month, we’ve focused on how to live bravely in all seasons and...
by Denise Pass | Apr 18, 2021
Choose Brave Do you ever struggle to choose brave living? I think we all can relate. This month we have been discussing how to be brave and this is so important today when we have been living in a culture that is so filled with fear from COVID. Listen in as Katie...
by Denise Pass | Feb 19, 2020
Mindset Thought of the Day: “From compromise to deceit is a small step.” —Billy Graham “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.” —Psalm 101:7 ESV
by Denise Pass | Feb 18, 2020
Mindset Thought of the Day: Acceptance is not the same thing as tolerance. Tolerance does not care for the other individual and we are not to tolerate evil. “Therefore accept one another, just as Christ also accepted you, to the glory of God.” —Romans...
by Denise Pass | Feb 17, 2020
Mindset Thought of the Day: Protecting our children begins in the womb and is about so much more than skinned knees and hurt feelings . . . are we protecting our children from sin? “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would...