Shame Off You is Here ~ An Interview with Liz Curtis Higgs

Shame Off You is Here ~ An Interview with Liz Curtis Higgs

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit with us a spell for this chat with special guest interviewer, Liz Curtis Higgs and Denise Pass, as they discuss some questions Liz has for Denise to celebrate the release of her book, Shame Off You. Liz is the author of 37 books,...
Surprised by Joy

Surprised by Joy

Originally posted on 8/31/16 Inspirational Thought of the Day: The very act of worship when we don’t feel like it is where God takes our act of faith and creates joy within us. Scripture of the Day: Psalm 100:2-3 “Worship the Lord with joy! Enter his...
One Faith For All

One Faith For All

Originally posted 9/13/2016 Inspirational Thought of the Day: His love is too great to permit a sinful lifestyle that enslaves His children. Scriptures of the Day: Ephesians 4:5-6 “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over...
God Within: Power in Weakness

God Within: Power in Weakness

Inspirational Thought of the Day: By choosing weak vessels to inhabit, God makes the weak strong. Scripture of the Day: 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.”...
Do Something About It

Do Something About It

Inspirational Thought of the Day: Sometimes we can get caught up in the wreckage and disaster around us that we forget right in front of us is the One in complete control over it all – and He is looking for volunteers. Scripture of the Day: Judges 6:12-14 12...
Relationships Gone Amok! – Part 3

Relationships Gone Amok! – Part 3

Inspirational Thought of the Day: While adversity in relationships can threaten to kill a calling, it can become the very tool to shape it. Scripture of the Day: Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being...

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