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2 Corinthians 11:3

“But I am afraid that just as the serpent deceived Eve by his treachery, your minds may be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”

1 Thessalonians 4:11

“And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you.”

He could have had red carpet laid for Him, trumpets blasting His coming, a crown of gold laid upon His Kingly head.  We would expect nothing less than this for a King, but He chose a simple manger, a simple dwelling and to be born of a poor household. Why?  No distractions, no prideful entrance for this Holy humble King.  Just a simple message to all who have ears to hear: salvation from Your God, who comes in humility to bring love, compassion and forgiveness.  We do not need anything other than that.

As I make preparations for Christmas this year, I want to stay in this moment of reflecting on how simply He came.  I do not want to be distracted by all of the “necessities” this season brings.  I don’t want to miss this key message of Christ’s coming. We can be set free from the busyness that presses us daily.  We can choose to be like Mary, who chose the one thing needful and bowed down just to be in His presence, listening.

How can this truth of simplicity be woven through our celebration of the coming King, and moreover, through our lives? It takes ambition, effort.  Returning to the basics of our salvation and prayerfully removing the obstacles that stand in our way of simply worshiping Him.  This blog is part of that for me.  It has become a benchmark where I am still and worshiping Him as I type each letter.  May we pause this season and daily in our lives not just to squeeze in devotions, but to meditate on Who He is and neer forget the wonder of not just Who He is, but how He came and how He lived . . . simply.

Lord, thank You for Your perfect example.  Help us to sift through all the distractions of life and to abide in You.  Like a child, may we delight in You and walk simply and humbly before You.

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