Scripture of the Day:
Isaiah 54:4
“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.”
Shame of the Day:
You cannot move past shame. It will affect you for the rest of your life.
Shame RX of the Day:
Shame’s reach depends on what we focus on. The choice is up to you and me.
Shame costs us. It can steal the joy from everyday living as the focus is on what we don’t have or what should have been.
Sometimes we don’t even realize how blessed we are because of the stigma of shame that screams out that we are defined by the curse of shame in our lives. We begin to think of ourselves as the shame that seems to cover our lives like a heavy cloak, holding us back from really living the abundant life that Jesus promises us.
How can shame be so powerful? We let it be.
Shame can cover our perspective and can manifest itself in many ways. The cost of shame can be profound . . . or not.
[Tweet “Acknowledging the painful areas of our life is not the same as being defined by it.”]
Sure, we have to acknowledge shame in our lives to be free from it. But acknowledging the painful areas of our life is not the same as being defined by it.
Shame’s reach depends on what we focus on. The choice is up to you and me.
Do we focus on the pain of our shame, or the One Who delivered us through it all? Maybe the deliverance we hoped for would have been to have never encountered the crippling shame, but having walked through the deep waters and seeing our God part the waters or bring us through them, we are changed forever. No longer innocent of the painful side of life, but aware of an enabling God. That is – if we have given Him our shame and let Him heal us.
Giving our shame to God and seeing our great God as trustworthy helps us to move forward through the shame to a new place that is better than the former place where our chief goal was no shame or pain.
[Tweet “Blaming God will never rid us of our shame. It only strengthens shame’s hold on us.”]
When shame is overwhelming, we need to resist accusation or distrust of God.That is a lie from the enemy. Blaming God will never rid us of our shame. It only strengthens shame’s hold on us. Hiding our shame from an all-knowing God won’t work, either. Instead, we bring our shame to God because we know He chose to bear our shame to set us free.
How do we bring it to Him, you ask? By praying and asking for wisdom, naming the shame and its lie, then searching God’s word for the truth to refute it. Meditate on God’s truth and choose to focus on our identity in Christ. Shame does not hold us back or define us anymore.
[Tweet “We bring our shame to God because we know He chose to bear our shame to set us free.”]
Join the discussion here or in the Shame Off You FB group. God wants the Shame Off You!
Need hope? Shame is often couched in a seemingly hopeless environment. God has hope for you today! Come and find it ~ Hope Reinvented.

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