The God Who Sees
Good morning, friends! Day Twenty-Two! One of the most painful things I heard someone say was that they felt unseen. We measure our significance when others acknowledging our presence, but there is no greater significance than God seeing us. The God who sees us accepts us and never fails to help us.
Bible Reading: Genesis 13-17
One of the most painful things I heard someone say was that they felt unseen. Our significance is felt by others acknowledging our presence, but there is no greater significance than God seeing us. The God who sees us accepts us and never fails to help us.
The God Who Sees Gives Us Strength
Sarah and Abraham taking matters into their own hands created a big mess we still feel today. But God reaches down into our messes to bless us, anyway. The Egyptian slave, Hagar found herself in Sarah’s scheme to fulfill God’s promise in her own strength. God had promised an heir to Abraham – a son, but this son was to come from both Abraham and Sarah, not a third party. As Hagar endured mistreatment and fled from Sarah’s presence, God encounters her in the middle of the desert.
Hagar memorializes a new name for God. The term El is often paired in Scripture with nouns or adjectives that express a particular attribute or activity ascribed to God. This name for God appears only once in Scripture by name, but the providence of God is felt and seen throughout all of Scripture. God’s providence gives us our significance. Each one of us matters to God and He has a plan for us. Knowing this can help us feel loved and seen.
The God Who Sees Is Caring
When we try to make God’s will happen in the flesh, we will reap from that fleshly decision. But even so, God sees us and longs to help us to understand that even when we reap painful circumstances for choices made for us or choices we make, He still sees us and can still turn for good what was meant for evil.
Giving a name to someone we care for is a sign of relationship. Knowing God in the multitude of ways He demonstrates care for us. When we worship Him for those attributes and characteristics, it helps us to acknowledge that we are seen by God and that we see Him for Who He is. We can find comfort because He has promised to be that comfort for us.
God seeing of you is never an oversight. You are never unseen and always cherished.
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