
bible tribe 25

God Is Our Vindication

Good morning, friends! Day Twenty-Five! Our vindication is not in ourselves. We are guilty as charged. But sometimes we are not guilty and need an intermediary. God is our vindication when in a world that casts judgment.

Bible Reading: Psalm 7-8

Verse of the day: Psalm 7:8, “Let the LORD judge the peoples. Vindicate me, LORD, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity, O Most High.”

Word of the day: Vindicate. It is the Hebrew word: שָׁפַט (shaw-fat’).

This word means: To judge, govern, act as law-giver, decide controversy.

God Is Our Refuge

Psalm 7 is aptly titled in the ESV, “In You Do I Take Refuge”. This Psalm is a Shiggaion of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning the words of Cush, a Benjaminite. According to the Enduring Word Commentary, the New King James Version translates the Hebrew word “shiggaion” as meditation, though the word is difficult to translate and is used elsewhere only in Habakkuk 3:1.

David is crying out for justice and also demonstrating that he trusts in God’s ability to deliver him. David was slandered and attacked it seems incessantly. But time and again he came to God for his rescue. It can appear that David is asking God to judge him. But it is a request for God to examine David and vindicate him based on David’s character and righteousness.

God Is Our Vindication

God is the only One with perfect judgment and though we deserved His judgment, He gave us His grace instead. Don’t neglect the grace of God when you are feeling judged and ashamed. God is your vindication.


  • Seek vindication for God’s glory.
  • Don’t make an idol out of man’s acceptance. God’s vindication is the best acceptance we will ever have and it lasts forever.

Go with God and His precious word, friends! Join us tomorrow in the book of Job.

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