Inspirational Thought of the Day:
Being dedicated means our mission is His mission and we do not swerve from that calling.
Scripture of the Day:
1 Samuel 1:10-11, 20
10 “She was very upset as she prayed to the LORD, and she was weeping uncontrollably. 11 She made a vow saying, “O LORD of hosts, if you will look with compassion on the suffering of your female servant, remembering me and not forgetting your servant, and give a male child to your servant, then I will dedicate him to the LORD all the days of his life. His hair will never be cut. 20 After some time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, thinking, “I asked the LORD for him.”
I rise and open my eyes, longing to open God’s word again to find the treasure He has for me today. As I read, I ask the LORD what is it that He wants me to take from my time with Him to reflect on and encourage others with, as well.
A deep desire of my heart is that I would just be faithful, but the word dedicated goes through my mind. To be dedicated to our God is to have our whole life an offering before Him. What does it look like to be truly dedicated?
Hannah is such a beautiful picture of a faithful servant of God. She cried out to her God and she waited. When God granted her request, she fulfilled what she had vowed. She was not only dedicated to her God, she wanted her son to be, too. Before he was even conceived, that was the desire of her heart. Unpacking Hannah’s actions to understand her dedication to her God, her character shines forth beautifully.
Idolatry. Her deepest desire was not an idol. She just longed to be a momma and to raise a godly young man dedicated to God. But we don’t see her holding on tightly. Her hands are open before her God.
Humble. She was not demanding, we don’t see her striving to make it happen. Just a sincere heart cry to her God. She was going to serve her God no matter what and left it up to the LORD.
Bold. She boldly cried out to God and did not care what others around her thought. When Eli the priest thought she had been drinking, she told him of her deepest prayer request. Others around us might mistake our boldness in pursuing God’s will for our lives, too. No matter. When we are dedicated to God, we don’t stop. Our life is His life in us.
Patient. Scripture says that it was “some time later” that God granted her request. This one is so very hard for our flesh. God saw Hannah – He sees us, too, but that does not mean immediate gratification of our request. Sometimes it means He says no. Will we trust Him then, too?
Faithful. Hannah was a woman after God’s own heart. She raised her son for God. While Eli the priest’s sons were unfaithful and received judgment, a simple mom raised a prophet for God’s glory. The influence of a mom who loves God is not to be underestimated.
Looking at Hannah’s example inspires us to a pure dedication to our God. If our lives are His, then how ought we to live? Surrendered. Being dedicated means our mission is His mission and we do not swerve from that calling. May God help us to be a people who live our lives as an offering to Him, all for His glory.
Lord, thank You for inspiring us to what You have called us to. Help us to be dedicated and to have a clarity of our calling before You. Be glorified, God!
I really appreciated your insights in this devotional, Denise. I had never thought about the fact that Hannah didn’t make her desire an idol…as we often do and that she didn’t demand nor was striving in her own power to make her desires come true. She simply prayed, trusted God…and waited for Him to deliver; in His time, in His manner. Great devotional about being Dedicated!
Amen! I constantly need reminders in this, too. May we be an offering for Him and seek His desires, not ours. Just to be a vessel for Him! Thanks for commenting!