Scripture of the Day:
John 18:37-38
“Then Pilate said, “So you are a king!” Jesus replied, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world–to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” 38 Pilate asked, “What is truth?” When he had said this he went back outside to the Jewish leaders and announced, “I find no basis for an accusation against him.”
Hope Discovery of the Day:
Truth is so much more enjoyable than a lie ever could be.
“It’s the truth!” My five-year-old son said convincingly while looking into my eyes. But my heart knew better. I just wanted to hear him admit the truth. My heart ached at the deception he willingly continued while insisting vehemently that he was saying the truth.
I did not want to believe that the accusations could be true, but I also did not want to be deceived myself. Trying to get to the truth in the situations of life is no easy matter. Our flesh would prefer to not expose its own folly. We rationalize that truth can be so harsh and it would be unfair to be so honest. No one is perfect, right?
Truth has been twisted to please the politically correct mantra of the day, but no amount of twisting could ever redefine truth. Sure, truth can be hijacked temporarily for causes and to suit people’s consciences, but God’s truth stands.
[Tweet “Truth has been twisted to please the politically correct mantra of the day, but no amount of twisting could ever redefine truth.”]
Relative truth is embraced in our culture because it can be molded to fit every situation and person. But relative truth is void of hope. It placates the real problem and offers a solution based on fantasy.
[Tweet “Truth can be hijacked temporarily for causes and to suit people’s consciences, but God’s truth stands.”]
Absolute truth requires a willingness to be teachable and to objectively examine ourselves and life’s encounters through a lens found only in Christ.
[Tweet “Relative truth is void of hope. It placates the real problem and offers a solution based on fantasy. “]
Truth is painful when it exposes deception within our own hearts and minds, but it is, in fact, the very definition of hope for those who embrace it. Allowing truth to pierce our souls helps us to overcome deception’s darkness and to walk in truth’s freedom.
Two thousand years ago, long before my son struggled with the consequences of truth, a man stood before Truth Incarnate, staring him right in the eyes. Pilate looked away, dismissing the conviction of his soul with an abstract question that seemed impossible to answer. “What is Truth?”
Dodging truth catches up with us eventually. It caught up with Pilate and it tortured my son, too. For my precious son who was fearing the consequences and beginning to rationalize truth in his brain, I dispensed the Word of God every night for two months – Scriptures all having to do with honesty.
[Tweet “Dodging truth catches up with us eventually.”]
How do you encounter deception? With lots of truth! By the end of two months, he began to weep uncontrollably and admitted his deed and the surrounding deception. The look of joy filled his face and consumed his soul. Truth is so much more enjoyable than a lie ever could be.
The world may try to say that God’s Word is old fashioned, or irrelevant. It will try to silence truth to please the flesh. But the Author of life holds the truth and all of the answers to life’s puzzling questions for a hurting world. We are a light, called to share His truth and grace so people do not have to walk around in darkness anymore.
Praise God that we have not been left without truth. What hope we have when we do not try to redefine truth to cover our sins or someone else’s. Reality can be harsh, but it is far better than living a lie. God speaks truth and grace to those who will listen and follow Him. No longer bound by lies, we are free to live for Christ and to walk in His truth.
[Tweet “Reality can be harsh, but it is far better than living a lie.”]
Lord, thank You for being an anchor for our soul, a standard that never changes. You are Holy and perfect in all You do. we worship You, LORD, and ask You to help us choose truth over and over again.