Developing Our Calling
Developing our calling is no cause for shame. It is an opportunity to display the grace of God.
Shame Rx:
God cares more about our character than our performance.
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” —1 Corinthians 15:58
Developing Our Calling
That moment when we get inspired to pursue a goal that is bigger than us we can be tempted to shrink back in shame if we just focus on what we bring to the table. We’d rather achieve our goal quickly and have the assets and talents needed upfront. But God is in the business of developing us for the calling He has given. And God is not concerned with how long it takes to develop us for the task He has given us to do. God cares more about our character than our performance.
Developing Our Calling—Overcoming Shame
Developing our calling is no cause for shame. Pride tells us we should be perfect and need no growth, but if we are not growing we are stagnant. Part of God’s calling on our life is the process of development.
God Does the Work
When we are steadfast in the work God has given us to do, God takes our efforts and multiplies the work of our hands. And the development that happens within us is all for His glory. God is in the business of making masterpieces to testify of God’s incredible grace as we answer His calling on our life.
Don’t despise small beginnings, friends. As we are obedient, God is transforming us for His perfect purposes. Shame off you!
Denise Pass
Founder, Seeing Deep Ministries
You can find her books, music and podcasts on her website, and on her YouTube channel:
The mom of 5 children, Denise and her husband live near Fredericksburg, VA.
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