
Shame RX: Shame’s hold on us is only as strong as we let it be.

This world operates in shame without thinking about it. Relationships are largely dysfunctional because of it, too. A broken people respond and retaliate in shame and have since that fateful day in the garden thousands of years ago.

But as we recognize shame, we can do something about it. We can choose to ditch shame and pick up honor, instead. This will be hard to do. Shame’s hold on us is only as strong as we let it be. 

When others shame us, we can let go of the offense and the shame, too. Maybe we can ask God for grace to see their real need, too, so they can also live the shame off you life.


Need to get rid of shame in your life? Join the Shame Off You Bible Study starting March 4th. Mondays at 7pm ET.

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