Inspirational Thought of the Day:
Even though our work on earth is temporal, that which is done in the spirit lasts forever.
Scripture of the day:
2 Corinthians 1:17
“Therefore, I was not vacillating when I intended to do this, was I? Or what I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, so that with me there will be yes, yes and no, no at the same time?”
We have a lot of goals that we pursue, but any purpose that is attempted in the flesh will ultimately fail – even if it appears to be successful according to the world’s standards.
Our desires change and fluctuate moment by moment. That’s just our nature. As Solomon questioned all the activity underneath the sun, he wondered what really mattered. Even though our work on earth is temporal, that which is done in the spirit lasts forever.
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results, I think we would all qualify. So many resolutions offered your after year with few ultimately accomplished.
Wow. I really sound like a downer. We certainly never should cease trying to be more like Christ and working toward goals that he puts on our hearts. It is the vain pursuit of success apart from His leading that is a futile effort, even if we achieve our objective.
Sometimes when God calls us to do something, it will take a lot of effort and tenacity. But when we know that He has placed a vision on our heart, we cannot deviate or vacillate from it.
Our double-minded, fickle nature makes it a challenge to discern between pursuits that don’t matter and ones we were destined for. But in our weakness he is strong. He knows we are flesh and His grace is greater.
Lord, help us to know your will for this life and to be faithful to that calling all for your glory.
Denise Pass | Seeing Deep
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