Thankful Thought of the Day:
Don’t stop giving thanks for people in your life. You never know when they might not be there anymore.
Scripture of the Day:
Ephesians 1:16
“I do not cease to give thanks for you when I remember you in my prayers.”
Guys, it is hard down here. Friends can change their colors and attack you. People can speak against one another. But I am thankful for this blessing God has for His children – we can pray for one another.
When someone tells me that they have prayed for me and are thankful for me, the strength and joy it provides cannot be defined.
What a world it would be if people truly were thankful for those in their lives rather than competing with them, criticizing or envying them, or just wanting something from them.
Don’t stop giving thanks for people in your life. You never know when they might not be there anymore.
Pray for someone in your life now and don’t stop doing so regularly. We all need prayer covering to continue to be shining stars in this generation.