
Thankful Thought of the Day:

Thanksgiving is intended to be all year long. 

Scripture of the Day:

Ephesians 5:4

“Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.”

As we conclude the Thanksgiving weekend and return to our normal routines, a thought runs through my mind as to what possibilities could exist with a new normal of living as a perpetually grateful people. Nearing the end of a month focused on gratitude, today I am thinking of how often our speech is used to tear down or discourage others. The giving of thanks pouring out from content, grateful people can transform the people around us.

Maybe we can have this gratitude be something we are identified by that lasts longer than a day or a month. What a way to turn this world upside down. As we spur one another on toward humble, grateful hearts, we let go of bitterness and entitlement and become shining lights in a dark world.

When we choose to focus on God’s goodness and accept and be grateful for those things in our lives that don’t seem all that wonderful, our perspective is altered in the very presence of God and impacts more than just ourselves. The world needs to see authentically grateful people who don’t take blessings for granted. Shine on with gratitude, friends. We have a lot to be thankful for.


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