
Anyone have a chip on their shoulder today? The Pharisees wanted to accuse. They wanted to find an offense. The roots behind their pursuit of accusing Jesus was jealousy and pride. They were blinded by their own self-righteousness. I’ve been there. How about you? Being in close quarters can refine our character, right? When we are worried about other people’s actions, we might be missing the need to examine ourselves first. People don’t need our judgment. People don’t need religion. People need God. If we say we believe in God, let’s live it like we mean it! We cannot grow if we do not sow the seed of God’s word in our lives.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #83: Mark 3-4

Scripture of the Day: Mark 3:24-25

Listen: https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Mark.3

Join me live at 8am ET: www.facebook.com/deniseduboispass

Bible Reading Plan: https://denisepass.com/bible-reading-plan/

#SeeingDeep #BibleInAYear

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