As we start 2024, we do not have to carry the mental baggage of last year. But we will need a plan to help keep our headspace in a good place. Here are some Mindset Hacks for 2024. Save the image below and place it on your desktop or fridge, wherever you will see it, to remind you that you get to choose your thoughts.
Mindset Hack #1: Be in the word (Ps 119:15)
Do not miss time in God’s word. His word is the agent of change that the Holy Spirit uses to help us to think higher than our own thoughts. Meditate on God’s thoughts rather than ruminating on your own.
Mindset Hack #2: Be aware of mindsets (Rom 8:5)
We get used to our own thoughts. And we believe them—they are ours, after all. But our thoughts are not true (See Gen 6:5 and Gen 8:21 from the Bible Tribe Bible reading plan this week). Place your thoughts against the plumb line of Jesus’ thoughts. What would Jesus think? Are your thoughts of the Spirit or the flesh?
Mindset Hack #3 Put off (Eph 4:22–24)
Letting go of thoughts can be challenging because they are convincing and are often a stronghold. But Scripture would not tell us to put off wrong thoughts if we couldn’t.
Mindset Hack #4 Put on (Col 3:2)
Steering the narrative in our minds toward better thoughts is possible when we esteem God’s thoughts. Pick Scriptures that reinforce godly thinking and kick the stinkin’ thinkin’ to the curb.
Mindset Hack #5 Be Transformed (Rom 12:2)
I love how the verb to be transformed is not an action we can do in our own strength. It is a reminder that the Holy Spirit does the work as we yield to God’s ways and refuse to give into our own way of thinking. This transformation happens as we daily repent of our own thinking and ask God to help us to think like HIm.
Mindset Hack #6 Be Guarded (Prov 4:23)
Don’t let your thoughts dictate your thinking. Question your thoughts—don’t just accept them. Our thoughts and other’s thoughts are often fake news. But the truth sets us free!
Mindset Hack #7 Be Holy (Phil 4:8)
God commanded us to be holy as He is, but we need some help—a lot of help—to do that! Phil 4:8 is a great litmus test to filter through our thoughts. If our thoughts don’t meet the requirements of this verse, we need to repent and choose God’s higher thoughts!
Mindset Hack #8 Be steadfast (Isa 26:3)
This is one of my favorite verses. As we fix our thoughts on Jesus, Jesus will fix our thoughts! It means going against our own feelings and what “seems” true, but Jesus showed us how to do this as we put on His attitude (1 Peter 4:1)
Here’s to a blessed 2024, y’all! Go with God, and do not let your own thoughts or anyone else’s defeat you in Jesus’ name! I am rooting you on!