I’d like to thank John Mark Miller at The Artistic Christian for nominating me for the Most Influential Blogger Award!
If you enjoy inspiring meditations, reviews of movies and books, fun articles and even Haikus, check out the John Mark’s blog at:
Award Guidelines
Here are the guidelines for acceptance – really very straightforward.
To accept this award, the awardees must do the following:
1. Display the Award on your Blog.
2. Announce your win with a blog post and thank the Blogger who awarded you.
3. Present 10 deserving Bloggers with the Award.
4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded with a comment (or a pingback).
5. Include an embedded video of your current favorite song (YouTube has almost everything, just copy and paste the link into your WordPress editor). If a video is not possible you can embed a SoundCloud track.
My Favorite Song
Recently I wrote a piece for Writing 101 in which we needed to select three songs. Now I am tasked with this difficult selection again. The song, “Already There” by Casting Crowns is a song that always uplifts me to know our Sovereign God is always in control. He already knows the end completely and is there – outside of time. Check it out here:
My List of Most Influential Bloggers!
It’s my privilege to introduce you to some talented bloggers who I believe are Most Influential Bloggers. I hope you enjoy their writing as much as I do:
1. Anchor Community Church https://wordpress.com/read/blog/id/56098905/
2. Christine, at Christine’s Collection: https://wordpress.com/read/blog/id/47677974/
3. Discover One Thing: http://wordpress.com/read/blog/id/60885879/
4. We Are Abundantly: http://weareabundantly.wordpress.com/
5. Tina, at Golden3devotions: http://golden3devotions.wordpress.com/
6. Amanda at Amanda Jo Norwood: http://amandajonorwood.com/
7. Carl, at Three Iron Nails: http://carlchewning.org/
8. Pen of the Sheep: http://penofthesheep.wordpress.com/
9. Shearon, at Refreshing Times for Women: http://thetimesofrefreshing.wordpress.com/
10. Walking in Freedom: http://kmbstone.wordpress.com/
Congrats! so well deserved 🙂
Great song choice – I’ve always loved this one!