Come explore the Music/Books that have come from studying God’s Word in the middle of life’s hard places and led to finding lasting hope.
Several of my songs received radio play and are also useful in church worship services. Let me know if I can provide you with any song charts or instrumental mp3s. Songs like You Are Worthy are also on CCLI. If you are interested in my worship leading services, you can check out this page.
My books are available at most retailers. Let me know if I can provide any material to help you facilitate a small group Bible study. Materials have been developed for Make Up Your Mind, including a Leader’s Study Guide and videos that guide you as you go through the Make Up Your Mind Study Guide and Make Up Your Mind Book in a small group, women’s Bible study, or on your own.

Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life
by Denise Pass and Michelle Nietert
Every day we fight battle after battle in our mind—many times unaware of the real fight at hand and wind up defeated, as if we cannot win the battle of our own mind. It’s our own mind, but we can struggle to make it up. Negative mindsets limit our existence by keeping us bound in habits and attitudes unless we know how to break free of them. Our mindsets matter. Sadly, when people operate their lives caving to unhealthy mindsets, they live defeated lives lacking joy and peace stemming from negative thought patterns.

Make Up Your Mind Study Guide
by Denise Pass and Michelle Nietert
The wilderness of our minds and life experiences can rob us of peace, hope and joy. You are invited on a road trip to discover biblical keys and learn to navigate the ten negative mindsets with our roadmap, God’s Word. In this 12-week small group study guide, a companion to the award-winning book, Make Up Your Mind, Denise Pass guides you through a weekly five-day study, examining how negative mindsets operate in Scripture and how you can be set free from them. Leaders can use the provided guides and links to videos for small groups. In her Counselor’s Corner, Michelle Nietert guides you through weekly Scripture meditations, helping shape your mindset to move toward the lasting calm you crave.

Shame Off You
by Denise Pass
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” — Romans 8:1
Shame is an assault on the core of who we are. It assassinates our character, minimizes our worth, and dashes our hope. Like Adam and Eve, we often hide shame, but hiding never heals it. Left unattended, shame can develop into a crippling reality that paralyzes us. Like an infectious disease, shame impacts everyone . . . but not all shame is bad.
Shame can either be an oppressive and powerful tool of worldly condemnation or a source of conviction that God uses to bring his people back to himself. Having the discernment to know the difference and recognize shame in its many forms can change the course of one’s life.
In a transparently honest style, Pass shares of her experience dealing with shame after learning that her former husband was a sexual offender. Having lived through the aftermath, she leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself that God is bigger than your pain, shame, mistakes, and limitations.
Shame Off You shares how freedom can be found in choosing to break the cycle of shame by learning from the past, developing healthy thinking patterns, silencing lies, and overcoming the traps of vanity and other people’s opinions.
Hope Reinvented – Softcover
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries
Hope. An anchor for the soul, yet often hooked on temporal things. Continually on a quest for this yearning within us, our souls hunger for the moment our hopes are realized. But what really is hope and what happens when the hopes we have are crushed? Explore the hope or lack of hope you have in this 31-Day devotional and find a new Hope Reinvented, formed in the crucible of hardship, authentic and eternal. God sees you and He has a hope for you that never fails.
When hope fails . . . our God answers.
With a hope that might look a bit different than we had anticipated, this 31-Day devotional guides us through the landscape of disillusionment, hurt and fear to bring us to a place of real hope in Christ.
CCM Worship Artist, Author and Speaker Denise Pass guides the reader through the grieving process of crushed hopes through personal testimony and the Word of God.
This 31-Day Devotional is a supplement to the book, “Hope Reinvented – Healing When Hope Fails”, and offers real answers to life’s often harsh realities.
For more on the ministry of Denise Pass, “Seeing Deep”, visit her website to read her blog and listen to her music:
Join us for a Bible in a year plan that focuses on one keyword for each day in this 7-fold reading plan. See the Bible come alive as you study Scripture within its original context, focusing on Hebrew and Greek word studies. Every day has a verse and a word selected from that day’s reading.
Use this guide to journal from your reading time. Watch the 1-2 minute daily devotional broadcast or listen to the podcast and read from a different part of Scripture every day. Download the free Bible reading plan and jump in at any time!
Mommy and Me: Cooking with Jesus
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries
Best price
“Oh, Taste and see that the LORD is good! . . .” —Psalm 34:8, ESV. In our busy culture today, the discipleship of our children has become increasingly difficult. And sometimes we just forget to have fun. In an effort to disciple our children “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:7), the first in the Mommy & Me series, “Cooking with Jesus”, provides an opportunity for moms to have intentional moments of faith in the kitchen with their children. When walking with Jesus in the abundant life He offers happens in the middle of our messy daily lives, our children see faith in action and catch our faith. As a homeschooling mom for 23 years of five children, four of whom are now young adults, Denise has a passion to help moms connect their faith with their children in their daily life. Bringing to life cherished moments she enjoyed with her children, Denise and her ministry team share key discipleship moments found in the kitchen with their children. Come and create something delicious for their tummy and soul!
Mommy and Me: Cooking with Jesus
In our busy culture today, the discipleship of our children has become increasingly difficult. And sometimes we just simply forget to have fun. In an effort to disciple our children “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,” Mommy & Me: Cooking with Jesus provides an opportunity for moms to have intentional times with their children to teach them life skills and faith.
Mommy and Me: Growing with Jesus
When we walk with Jesus in the abundant life He offers right in the middle of our messy daily lives, our children see faith in action and catch our faith.
Denise and her ministry team share key discipleship moments found in the kitchen with their children. Come and create something delicious for your tummy and soul!

You are Worthy
by Denise Pass/Seeing Deep
New single featuring artist Denise Pass; Written by: Denise Pass, Ryan McAdoo, Cody Norris & Daniel Dovel; Produced by: Ryan McAdoo; Co Producers: Cody Norris and Scott Cash; Executive Producer: Ed Cash

You are Worthy Accompaniment
by Denise Pass/Seeing Deep

Seeing Deep EP
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries

Seeing Deep Accompaniment EP
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries

Praying For You
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries

Praying For You Accompaniment EP
by Denise Pass / Seeing Deep Ministries