Scripture of the Day:
Philippians 3:14 (ESV)
“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Shame RX:
When we remove self from the equation and any accolades we think we might achieve, we can rise above shame and place every victory and defeat at the feet of Jesus.
About Who?
I know, I know. You think I am going to say it is a success to fail because all that matters is our character. Not quite. We are running a race down here that does not end until our time here on earth ends. But approaching our life goals from a perspective of being about us to being all about God’s glory and purposes shifts our perspective of success, too. Victory is not really in our momentary gains, but in continuing to run.
[Tweet “Victory is not really in our momentary gains, but in continuing to run.”]
Paul encouraged us to press on, knowing full well he would never “arrive”. This is hard for us type “A” personalities (not admitting nothing here, people, ok, yes, I identify). It seems futile to keep running when we know we will never fully “make it”. Unless our perspective is not focused on self. When our goals are focused on self or our glory, they are meaningless. Goals fixed on the glory of God don’t focus on results – but God’s purposes, instead.
[Tweet “When our goals are focused on self or our glory, they are meaningless.”]
Shame Off Our Goals
We live in a shame-filled culture, and I am seeing this reality as I have the privilege of writing, “Shame Off You”, to be published this fall! (Pinch self). Our goals are often formed from a place of shame. We want to prove ourselves and fear failure because of the ensuing shame. But when we remove self from the equation and any accolades we think we might achieve, we can rise above shame and place every victory and defeat at the feet of Jesus. It is all about Him, not us.
[Tweet “Goals fixed on the glory of God don’t focus on results – but God’s purposes, instead.”]
This does not mean our labor does not matter. Rather, it REALLY matters eternally! It is all for the King of kings and LORD of lords! What we do matters more than us perceiving that we are winning at what we do.
As Jerry Falwell so aptly said, “You do not determine a man’s greatness by his talent or wealth, as the world does, but rather by what it takes to discourage him.” Sometimes we can get focused on our progress that we miss the real point – living our lives as an offering to God. As we seek to be faithful to God, we persevere past the shame attached to goals and passionately pursue His glory. This is success – persevering and having a right motivation – to glorify God alone.
[Tweet ” As we seek to be faithful to God, we persevere past the shame attached to goals and passionately pursue His glory.”]
Lord, help us to keep on keepin’ on. All for You, precious Savior. All for you. Remove shame from us and help us to walk in Your victory. It is more than enough.