Scripture of the Day:
Ephesians 5:20 (HCSB)
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
Inspirational Thought of the Day:
True gratitude comes from the heart that has seen its own shame and been delivered from it.
Ah . . . the day is almost here when we take a few moments to be with loved ones and contemplate what we are thankful for. Sometimes the thanksgiving flows from our lips easily and other times we struggle to give thanks because life and its troubles drown out gratitude with noise from the world filled with pain and shame.
Thanksgiving is that time of year when we consider all that we have to be grateful for—yes, this includes both what we perceive to be blessings and what we don’t. When we are grateful for all the LORD allowed into our lives we are saying we trust Him and know that all of it is good because He is good and uses all things for His glory and good in our lives.
Genuine gratitude comes from a heart of humility. Being able to recognize all that God has given to us and others have done for us can only come from the heart that is truly humbled at any blessing at all. Entitlement has no place with a grateful heart and expectations are laid at our Master’s feet. True humility never comes from man—we are unable to produce a humility like Christ had. But the Holy Spirit within us is able to help us see that nothing good is in and of us. When others shame us or try to humble us, the truly humble heart is not put off by such a shame. Instead, we know what we are capable of and can only stand in awe of God and express our gratitude.
[Tweet “Gratitude does not come from an ashamed heart.”]
Living a life of gratitude requires that our hearts keep in check with seeing our great need of God. All too often, men can burden one another with shame as we all see our inability to be perfect people. But gratitude does not come from an ashamed heart. True gratitude comes from the heart that has seen its own shame and been delivered from it. This is truly worth being thankful for. Yes, we are thankful for God‘s provision, undeserving of his incredible mercies.
[Tweet “True gratitude comes from the heart that has seen its own shame and been delivered from it.”]
The burdens that life brings us can cause us to either shrink in shame or rise in gratitude. Will we recognize God’s hand when we feel so overcome by shame or pain? He is there in the midst. And even the shame that knocks on the door of our minds is a reminder of something to be grateful for—we are no longer condemned, no matter how loud shame is.
[Tweet “The burdens that life brings us can cause us to either shrink in shame or rise in gratitude.”]
We can drown out the shame, instead, with worship of our great God when it seems there is no hope. It might start with singing a song or reading allowed God’s promises. As we step out in faith, gratitude is cultivated and wells in our heart, it overwhelms our feelings like a tidal wave surprises us with joy.
When we choose gratitude over shame, we silence shame and adopt hope, instead. The God Who called us will complete the work He began in us and one day there will be no shame or pain. Now that’s something truly to be grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving, all! May God fill you with His hope for you and give you strength and courage to face this life with Him.
Hebrews 12:28-29 (NIV)
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”
***This excerpt first appeared in Shame Off You***

Why live with shame when you don’t have to? God has provided a way for us to remove shame and live in victory. Come and release your shame in Jesus’ name. Shame Off You details a biblical method for removing shame and is available at many retailers. Here are a few places you can get Shame Off You. Let me know you bought Shame Off You and receive a free bonus digital download.
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