

Galatians 5:7 (NIV)

“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?”

Anyone tired yet? Like you can’t quite keep pace with the lofty goals or resolutions you set out in front of you?

I know, some of you were too clever to set New Year’s resolutions. That way you can’t fail. But still there is this gnawing inside of you. You were made for so much more. If you could just get your flesh to cooperate. 

I tell my husband all the time I am a skinny gal trapped in a cherubic physique. 🙂 But seriously, We should not be so surprised that it is so hard when we try to achieve objectives in our own strength. It takes grace to run the race. We were never supposed to do it on our own. WE WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO DO IT ON OUR OWN. (That is for the stubborn among us to make sure it sinks in). 

The beautiful truth mingled in this revelation is that we can indeed let go of condemnation. This  abiding with our Creator is where we can rely on Him when we fall short. This is not apathy, but sweet relationship. He knew we could not make it on our own and covered us with His grace. This does not mean we give up, but that we get up when we fall and ask God to lead us once more.

As we run in 2019 toward the prize of being more Christ-like and going deeper with God, (read last week’s post if you missed it), let’s call out some hurdles that try to impede our progress and distract us. 


Already mentioned this one. But let’s call it out again because this one we do to ourselves more than anything else. We beat ourselves up when we miss the mark. Keep running, friend. Confess your shortcomings and pick up Christ’s strength.


Our flesh is our worst enemy. Ask Paul. (Romans 6-8). We read about it. We know it. And yet we get duped again and again. The flesh can be convincing. But it can be overcome by God’s word, prayer and accountability. 


When we focus on our abilities, let’s face it. It can get pretty discouraging. But when we focus on God’s promises and the truth that He is bringing us from glory to glory, then we don’t give up, but we cooperate with the work HE is doing. And He gets the glory, not us.


Sometimes we want to achieve our goals or, goodness, just even survive and feel like we just cannot keep up with the pace of life. Maybe our expectations became an idol. What then? Lay them down and pick up God’s plans for us, instead.

What is it that keeps you from running? Don’t quit the race. Run at your own pace, strengthened by God. Use His word as your fuel and don’t give up. In due time you will reap a harvest. 

Setting goals for the glory of God, we give our best to Him and let Him take our work and do what He wants with it. We are, as it were, painting water next to the Master of this universe. 

Let’s go deeper with God in 2019, shall we? Listen in to the new Seeing Deep podcast where we will be diving into God’s word together and applying His word to our daily lives—and seeing deep in a shallow world.

If you have not started a Bible Reading plan, there are so many options available. I personally love what Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul) offers for their bible reading plans. Christine Abraham (founder of Women’s Bible Cafe) is also doing a chronological bible-in-a-year plan and offers bible studies online. Shame Off You will be offered as a course soon on Women’s Bible Cafe. 

When sin, hopelessness, shame or our mindset can keep us from going deeper with God, run to Him, anyway. There is no other place or person who can meet our deepest need. Surrendering and seeking God when life is hard is how we overcome. Go deep to get higher. Dare to see deep in a shallow world.

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