
Being Culture Changers


Being Culture Changers

Christ told us to be in the world but not of it. Hiding in a holy huddle is not what He had in mind. We are to be culture changers, but that can be a challenge in an ever-changing culture that does not have the Bible as its authority. Being culture changers will require a mindset change.

Being Culture Changers: Overcoming Worldliness

When we overcome a worldly mindset, we can reach the culture around us. Listen is as Denise discusses with Dr. George Barna the stumbling blocks that inhibit our ability to share biblical values and keep us from impacting the surrounding culture.
Need help changing the culture in your mind? Listen in to this episode from the Bible Tribe podcast: Changing the Culture in Our Mind.
George Barna

George Barna

Professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at ACU.

Dr. George Barna who is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at ACU. He also founded the Barna Group, a research company that for years set the standard for understanding trends in American culture. Dr. Barna has written more than 50 books addressing cultural trends, including numerous award-winners and New York Times bestsellers. He is also a Fellow at the Townsend Institute, has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level, and has pastored two churches.

Need hope? God is our hope but sometimes we can look for hope in the wrong places. Come and discover the hope that God has for us in the hard places in Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and an accompaniment devotional study guide for small groups, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails.

Hope Reinvented

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