
Tidying up our glorious mess

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Tidying up Our Glorious Mess

The stuff of life can stress a person out.
The paperwork of life can leave us buried.
And in the midst of that is how complicated we human beings can be. We can make a mess of everything if it were not for Christ who intervened. But tidying up our glorious mess is easier than we think.

The question is, will we let ourselves examine our own messiness long enough to be able to ask God for help? This month we are going to be talking about how to deal with our messy, imperfect lives. Listen in to today’s episode where we learn that we tidy our messes by admitting our need.


Need hope? God is our hope but sometimes we can look for hope in the wrong places. Come and discover the hope that God has for us in the hard places in Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and an accompaniment devotional study guide for small groups, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails.

Hope Reinvented

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