
the influence of moms

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The Influence of Moms

Do you ever wonder how much influence you’re truly having as a mom? Our influence does not simply stop in our homes. As we influence our children through training and cultivating relationships, they send those principles out into the world. We as mothers have the beautiful assignment of shaping culture. It starts in our home with our children.

This month we’re continuing celebrating the month of Mother’s Day and the release of Denise and her ministry team’s new book, “Mommy and Me: Cooking with Jesus,” Denise and guests Tonna Logan and Lisa Maples discuss the importance of a mother’s influence.

Check out their encouraging conversation that highlights 10 ways moms can be powerful influencers and be encouraged in your motherhood journey.


Lisa Maples

Lisa Maples

Writer & Podcaster

Lisa Maples, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, is redeemed by the blood of Jesus and restored. She is a K-5 STREAM teacher, a writer, a wife of 23 years, a mother to two teens, a daughter and a friend. Her ministry is to speak life by proclaiming Christian faith to women and to share truth so that others may know it and live godly lives. You can find Lisa at: https://www.lisamaples.life/

Tonna Logan

Tonna Logan


Tonna is blessed with a husband of 21 years, mother of 5 adult children, grandmother of 4 precious gems and a forklift operator as her occupation. Although she is not a professional according to the world, she loves to sing, teach, preach, write, and serve in filmmaking about our Lord Jesus Christ to plant seeds into the lost. She loves the summer months, being outdoors and staying active.

Danielle Poorman

Danielle Poorman

Author & Speaker

Danielle is a member of the Seeing Deep Ministry team and author of this week’s accompanying podcast devotion. She is wife to an amazing husband of 15 years, mother to two lovely children, and a “once upon a time classroom teacher turned to homeschool mom.” Her days are spent teaching her children and drinking plenty of coffee! You can find Danielle encouraging fellow moms at https://www.daniellehope.com/

Need hope? God is our hope but sometimes we can look for hope in the wrong places. Come and discover the hope that God has for us in the hard places in Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and an accompaniment devotional study guide for small groups, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails.

Hope Reinvented

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