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My Heart, Ever His
In “My Heart, Ever His” Barbara Rainey draws us into an intimate relationship with Jesus. It is easy to take a detour and get distracted from what we need most. But God knows how to bring us back to Himself. This month we have been discussing drawing nearer to God in everyday life. Listen in to the second half of this interview with Barbara Rainey as she shares about her new book, “My Heart Ever His” and the prayers that she penned in her journey to draw nearer to God.
Esther 4:15-16, (ESV)
“Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.”
Our hearts need to surrender.
Surrendering draws us nearer to God and nearer to those we love. We lay down our agenda and consider others as more important.
Our hearts need to be vulnerable.
When we seek to be nearer to God and others, we need to be willing to be vulnerable Our hearts are ever His when we let go of our way and are willing to authentically seek after Jesus.
For more on being close with God, listen in to this series that come with free devotional downloads!
- Doing Life with Jesus
- Getting Closer to God
- My Heart, Ever His, part 1 Interview with Barbara Rainey
Download the free extended devotional below that goes with this episode!
Our Guest

Barbara Rainey
Barbara Rainey and her husband, Dennis, are co-founders of FamilyLife Today and have spoken at Weekend to Remember conferences around the world. They have authored more than two dozen books, including Moments Together for Couples and The Art of Parenting. Barbara has written Letters to My Daughters among other titles, and has also created Ever Thine Home (everthinehome.com). Dennis and Barbara have six married children and a growing number of grandchildren. They live near Little Rock, Arkansas.
You can find out more about Barabara on her website: https://everthinehome.com/