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Finding Hope This Thanksgiving
This pandemic has brought pain for some and for some a reprieve. Add to that the instability of the Presidential election. And perhaps this season we are in has stolen hope for many. When will it end? As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in shaky times, we can feel the hope of this occasion being threatened. But finding hope this thanksgiving is not so hard when gratitude is the catalyst. And hope was never meant to be the pursuit in the first place, but a by-product of lives hidden in Christ.
Real Hope, Not Fairy Tales
Our hope was set up to fail in a culture where life stories, even those including hard times, are always depicted with fairy tale endings. Every dream realized and every earthly human hope fulfilled. What is this hope that God longs to give us? What is hope, really?
Listen in as Denise shares from her series on Hope Reinvented. Discover a hope that heals our hearts and helps us to have a hope that never fails.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know what I have planned for you,” says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.”
Listen into the other recordings from this month on gratitude:
Choosing Intentional Gratitude
Need a Christmas gift idea or a small group study? Purchase Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and accompaniment devotional study guide, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails, and then join the Hope Reinvented Bible Study group for recordings.