You are afraid to go to the deep end . . . I get it.
I was the girl who would stand at the edge of the ocean instead of stepping in when the rest of my family did. The irony is that many years later God led me to start a ministry called, “Seeing Deep”. As I began to blog in 2014, I realized that all of my writings were about going deeper in faith and trusting God in all of life’s painful moments. As much as I believed God, I also doubted whether He knew how much I could handle. It’s easy to say we want to go deeper, but when life hurts, will we still hope in Christ? That’s what this spot on the web is for . . . seeing the deeper purposes of God in our lives and a catalyst to inspire hope in God’s goodness. I love to explore the deeper meaning of topics like hope, shame, joy and relevant topics in our world through God’s word. We all encounter problems in this world but those problems are an opportunity to trust God in the deep places. Will you go to the deep end with me?
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Having a Love That Overcomes Offenses
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How Do You Relate to Others?
The word relate has to do with how we connect to others, and communication is a big part of how we relate to others.
Setting Realistic Goals
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Do you have peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of life’s problems? That seems like a tall order, right? Perhaps we buy the lie that we cannot have peace in turmoil. But peace is a gift and a choice.
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But hope does not just happen—it is chosen.
Where Hope Comes From
Our stories offer hope. Especially when the Author of our story is faithful.
Renewing Hope When Hope Fades
When it seems like there is no more hope, we are closer to our hopes being fulfilled than we know.
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God’s Goodness is our Hope
God’s goodness is not defined by whether life seems good. We might not be able to escape a moment, but we can find refuge in it by remembering God’s is good.
Hope Reinvented Devotional
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