Shame Off You
Shame Does Not Get the Final Word
Suffering has a stigma attached to it. As if we were to blame for horrific circumstances that befall us. But shame is not just incited in tragic circumstances. It is woven into our daily lives in a shame-saturated culture that values perfectionism from flawed people.
Ever felt embarrassed just at your own presence? Somehow, you are not enough. You don’t feel pretty or smart enough. Shame. Afraid to speak up for fear of being found to be inferior? Shame. Are you struggling with financial circumstances and feeling less than others? Shame. Did you make a mistake that you feel you cannot overcome? Shame. Feel like you have to apologize for having an opinion? Shame. Or maybe it was a heart-wrenching traumatic event that has left you feeling disillusioned and broken. Shame.
What a shame. Our appearance, position, status, what we do, or where we come from could never define us. Yet this world tries to label and place us in boxes that limit us. God already defined us and gave us His identity – as His beloved child. And He wants to remove all the shame you have been carrying around for so long. Let go of the shame and adopt God’s perspective of you instead.
We would not have shame without an audience and so we live our lives in front of others, worried about what others think of us. Shame is a taskmaster that invites us to be hyper-focused on our inadequacy. But hiding shame does not heal it.
Shame Off You shares how freedom can be found in choosing to break the cycle of shame by learning from the past, developing healthy thinking patterns, silencing lies, and overcoming the traps of vanity and other people’s opinions. Come on, you can do it. God wants to set you free. Join the Shame Off You revolution this August and live the abundant life Christ promised.
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