by Denise Pass | Nov 24, 2016
Inspirational Thought of the Day: No sorrow in a family is so great that God cannot take that sorrow and create something beautiful in its place. Scripture of the Day: 1 Peter 2:10 “Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not...
by Denise Pass | Nov 13, 2016
Inspirational Thought of the Day: In God’s amazing compassion and mercy, He gave us Himself in the flesh and in the Spirit. Scripture of the Day: Acts 2:38-39 “Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for...
by Denise Pass | Mar 28, 2015
Psalm 36:1-4 “For the music director; written by the LORD’s servant, David; an oracle. An evil man is rebellious to the core. He does not fear God, for he is too proud to recognize and give up his sin. The words he speaks are sinful and deceitful; he does...