by Denise Pass | Feb 18, 2019
Shame RX: We can be our own worst critic sometimes. Well, let’s be real—most of the time. Getting rid of shame is not a once and done proposition. Shame is not silenced by our mere dismissal. But God’s grace cleanses us from legitimate and false shame. We...
by Denise Pass | Feb 16, 2019
Shame RX: Face shame head on. Don’t dismiss it, don’t pretend it does not exist. Shame disappears when we face it head on with truth, humility and grace. ______________________________________________ Need to get rid of shame in your life? Join the Shame...
by Denise Pass | Feb 16, 2019
Shame RX: Defuse shame’s lie with truth. When we have brought shame into our life, hiding it won’t heal it. And when we have not invited shame into our life, the truth sets us free, too. Let go of shame’s lie and label. And let Christ define you,...
by Denise Pass | Feb 15, 2019
Shame RX: Love was never supposed to produce shame. When love creates confusion, we can remember and run to God’s perfect love, that casts out all fear.
by Denise Pass | Sep 6, 2017
Scripture of the Day: 1 Corinthians 2:11 “For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” Shame RX of the Day: Let go of what we do not know. Let...