
Don’t Detest Tests—June 13 Bible Reading Plan

Don’t Detest Tests God uses them to shape our character and to make us more like Him. When we have a disdain for troubles, we forget that God is in complete control at all times. Tests remind us of our need of God, for sure, but we don’t detest them...

Truth Sets Us Free—June 12 Bible Reading Plan

Truth Sets us Free. Lies enslave us and discourage us. But we have to be able to recognize lies to be set free. We are back in book of Ezekiel today, 13-18 We see two chief sins brought to the forefront today in God’s judgement of His people. God’s people...
Releasing Shame From Parenting – School Choices

Releasing Shame From Parenting – School Choices

Shame RX: Parents are not in a popularity contest. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Parents have a tough job – one of the toughest jobs ever. To raise the next generation to...
Shunning Shame

Shunning Shame

Shame RX: Shame from Shunning is merely influence from others. You walk into a group of people and notice they don’t make eye contact with you. The vibes are thick and you feel “less than”. Shame. But this shunning,  whether it is perceived or real,...

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