Give Up the Fight

Give Up the Fight

Is anyone else tired out there? Are you ready to give up the fight? There can be so much resistance in our lives that sometimes we just want to give up fighting. Not to rehash too much, but…the flooded basement and COVID stopped my podcasting this year. (The...

Day #364 It’s Time to Fight—Bible Reading Plan

It’s Time to Fight! I don’t mean a fistfight, praise God! But the church needs to rise up and be the church. We need to contend for the faith, friends! It’s time to fight but fight in the Spirit and with God’s word. Let’s be used to...

Fight the Good Fight—August 18 Bible Reading Plan

Fight the Good Fight Anybody wanna fight? Some of us don’t want to be fighters. I know I didn’t. In middle school let’s just say I was a chicken when it came to fights. But there is a fight that is a worthy one. Not against others, but against evil....

When the Pain Remains—May 26 Bible Reading Plan

  When the pain remains in your life, how do you handle it? We are finishing the book of 2 Corinthians 11-13 today and in it Paul reveals the struggles he went through—even “boasts” about them, but not in a way we would think of as boasting. Paul...

Proof of our salvation- May 20 Thought of the Day

Mindset Thought of the Day: The proof of our salvation is the presence of God. “Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. 46 They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord...

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