
Growing Up is Hard to Do—November 24 Bible Reading Plan

Growing Up is Hard to Do With four of my adult children transitioning to adulthood, my heart aches for the hardness that accompanies growing up. There are so many pitfalls and demands and sometimes it seems like it is hard to catch a break. But God makes the rough...

BW#142 Choosing Gratitude In Hard Places

Choosing Gratitude in Hard Places Choosing gratitude in hard places is not natural. Hard places don’t have to harden us, though. We can see God’s hand in the midst. Choosing Gratitude in Pain Walking through the doorway of pain we find that God is there...

Let it Begin with Me—August 23 Bible Reading Plan

Let it Begin with Me There are a lot of problems in the world. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and we  don’t know how we can make a difference. But let it begin with me. And you. When we are people of integrity who pursue understanding rather than presumption...

Live What We Proclaim—August 22 Bible Reading Plan

Live What We Proclaim The best way to share the best message in the world is to live it out first. But then how we share matters, too. As recipients of the greatest love of all, the world needs to see our relationship with God more than preaching at them. God has...

Learning from hard places—August 21 Bible Reading Plan

Learning from Hard Places Learning the hard way isn’t fun. We can resent the hard places in our life, but maybe if it weren’t for the hard places we would not come to God. God wants to restore us but sometimes it takes hardship to get our attention....

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