
Hold Fast!—September 29 Bible Reading Plan

Hold Fast! This is a challenging season. Not gonna lie. But when I feel like giving up, I remember that Jesus didn’t. He completed what God had called Him to do and set us free. Maybe someone else needs to see us being faithful when life is hard. Hold fast,...
Ditch Shame and Choose Honor

Ditch Shame and Choose Honor

Shame RX: Shame’s hold on us is only as strong as we let it be. This world operates in shame without thinking about it. Relationships are largely dysfunctional because of it, too. A broken people respond and retaliate in shame and have since that fateful day in...
What’s in a Promise, part 1

What’s in a Promise, part 1

Inspirational Thought of the Day: Our great God Who did not owe us any promises, still chose to make them. Scripture of the Day: Psalm 89:34 “No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back one word of what I said.” The Source of Promises Blew the...

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