
How to Pass the Torch—September 10 Bible Reading Plan

How to Pass the Torch How are you passing the torch down? Do those behind you know it’s time for them to take the torch and run? Or are they surprised? When we live what we speak, others can follow our lead better. And with intentionality and order, the way is...

The Difference One Makes—September 9 Bible Reading Plan

The Difference One Makes We’ve all heard stories of someone who rose up to stop injustice or was the hero of a seemingly hopeless situation. Maybe that person got credit or maybe what didn’t, but what always struck me was the heart of one who chooses to...

There is Only One God—July 18 Bible Reading Plan

There is only one God Yet without realizing it, our hearts can be divided in worship. There is only one God but we can prize things in this world above Him. Worshiping a strange “god” estranges us from God. Our relationship with God can become a...
One Hope

One Hope

Scripture of the Week: Ephesians 4:4 (EXB) “There is one body and one Spirit, and God called you to have one hope [one hope of your calling].” Hope Discovery of the Week: We think hope is really about what we desire, but it is simply about trust. I...
It Only Takes One

It Only Takes One

Scripture of the Day: 1 Kings 3:1a “Solomon made an alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt and married his daughter.” (NIV) Hope Discovery of the Day: It only takes one prayer, one moment of turning back to God to get us back on the right path again. It only takes one....

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