
Day #351 How to Resist Corruption—Bible Reading Plan

How to Resist Corruption One of the most significant battles we will face in this life is the battle of the mind as we war within and try to defeat sin. But next to that chief battle is the need to be wise regarding the influence of people around us that can pull us...

Day #350 Living the Truth Out—Bible Reading Plan

Living the Truth Out If we know the truth, our life will be impacted. We will walk in truth. We will obey God’s commandments. And we will love one another. This love is not superficial. It is sacrificial and sincere. Living the truth out makes the gospel visible...

When Life is Tough—May 23 Bible Reading Plan

When Life is Tough . . . the tough cry out Psalm 56-58 describes some of the suffering David encountered at the hands of the Philistines when he was fleeing Saul and went to Gath. If you remember this story from 1 Samuel 21:10 to 22:2, David pretended to be crazy when...

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