Accepting What We Cannot Change

Accepting What We Cannot Change

Broken relationships. Unreached personal goals. Disappointing career developments. Rejection from others. Insurmountable health issues. Unmet longings in ministry or vocation. Changes we cannot control. Who we are…and are not. ****** The list of things in our...
BW#138 Growing Up Social

BW#138 Growing Up Social

Proverbs 22:6 (NIV): “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Today’s generation is growing up with devices running their lives while parents are losing their influence to inanimate objects. What’s a...

Spiritual Eyes Wide Open

Spiritual Eyes Wide Open How do you refocus your eyes back on Jesus when you experience blurred spiritual vision? Sometimes it is a fight. Keeping our spiritual eyes wide open takes intentionality and consistency. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great...
SD#68 Becoming Whole—How to Abide in Christ

SD#68 Becoming Whole—How to Abide in Christ

Psalm 68:19-20 “The Lord deserves praise! Day after day he carries our burden, the God who delivers us. Our God is a God who delivers; the LORD, the sovereign Lord, can rescue from death.” God can’t carry what we don’t give Him. God can’t...

March 30 Bible Reading Plan

Have people tried to keep you in a box? Do you feel unseen? God sees you, friend, and He has a plan and a purpose for your life. Don’t let anyone try to define or limit you. You are loved. 7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan Day #90: Mark 5-6 Scripture of the...

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