Reconciling with the Past

Reconciling with the Past

Shame RX: Reconciling the past helps us to live in the present. Psalm 34:5 (NIV) “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” “The past is the past”, “Don’t live in the past”, yada, yada. On the advice...

Scriptural Saturday: The Present of His Presence

Inspirational Thought of the Day: The present of His presence is all we need. Scripture of the Day: Psalm 73:25-28 “Whom do I have in heaven but you? I desire no one but you on earth. 26 My flesh and my heart may grow weak, but God always protects my heart and...

Worshipful Wednesday: Lessons from the Past

Psalm 78:2-7 2 I will sing a song that imparts wisdom; I will make insightful observations about the past.  3 What we have heard and learned–that which our ancestors have told us– 4 we will not hide from their descendants. We will tell the next generation...

Worshipful Wednesday: Lessons from the Past

Psalm 78:2-7 2 I will sing a song that imparts wisdom; I will make insightful observations about the past.  3 What we have heard and learned–that which our ancestors have told us– 4 we will not hide from their descendants. We will tell the next generation...

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