Freed to be a Slave of God

Freed to be a Slave of God

Hope Discovery of the Day: We had to be enslaved to sin to be able to know what it means to be set free. Scripture of the Day: Galatians 4:3-4 “So also we, when we were minors, were enslaved under the basic forces of the world. 4 But when the appropriate time...
More Than Adequate

More Than Adequate

Inspirational Thought of the Day: God knew we could not be sufficient on our own in heart or deed, so He bridged the gap between our lack and His abundance and declared us adequate. Scripture of the Day: 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 “Now we have such confidence in God...
When Right is Wrong

When Right is Wrong

Inspirational Thought of the Day: Seeking directions from the wrong place can get us severely lost. Scripture of the Day: Judges 17:6 “In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right.” My husband thinks I could get lost...
What’s in a Promise, part 3

What’s in a Promise, part 3

Inspirational Thought of the Day: When the promises of men are broken, the promises of God are spoken from One Who already knows the beginning and the end. Scripture of the Day: Romans 4:21 “Fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.”...

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