by Denise Pass | Oct 4, 2017
Scripture of the Day: Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Hope Discovery of the Day: God’s truth and promises still stand even when our secure world fails. We know God is the source...
by Denise Pass | May 22, 2015
Job 40:8 “Would you indeed annul my justice? Would you declare me guilty so that you might be right?” Proverbs 19:3 “A person’s folly subverts his way, and his heart rages against the LORD.” Job 1:22 “Through all this Job did not sin or...
by Denise Pass | Apr 9, 2015
Job 29:2-5 2 “O that I could be as I was in the months now gone, in the days when God watched over me, 3 when He caused his lamp to shine upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness; 4 just as I was in my most productive time, when God’s intimate...