by Denise Pass | Aug 4, 2020
The True Christian Life Ever feel like the Christian life does not look like you thought it should? We can get caught up in a Christian culture or a worldly culture that pull us away from the true Christian life we are called to. But God’s grace meets us in that...
by Denise Pass | Apr 2, 2019
Shame RX: Don’t let accusations define you—Christ already did. Psalm 40:15 INIV) “May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!” be appalled at their own shame.” Aha! Caught ya! You are guilty!!!! Ever had someone let you know they know that you...
by Denise Pass | Apr 1, 2019
Shame RX: Getting off the cycle of shame is up to you. Part of shame’s power is the power it wields. We feel we are stuck in a box with no way out. But are those feelings valid? Our emotions are strong, but the truth behind shame is we have a choice what we do...
by Denise Pass | Mar 31, 2019
Shame RX: When shame’s true colors are exposed, honor is restored. Isaiah 61:7 “Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they...
by Denise Pass | Aug 3, 2017
Hope Discovery of the Day: To find true north we have to drop to our knees. Scriptures of the Day: Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way that leads to death.” Judges 21:25 “In those days there was no king...