
Making Sense in an Upside Down World

Making Sense In an Upside-Down World Standing in my kitchen, the phone rang. It was my mom. “Turn on your TV right now! Airplanes are flying into skyscrapers in New York City!” I ran and turned the TV on and then I dropped to my knees and wept and cried...
SD#76 Reigniting Intimacy Through Humility

SD#76 Reigniting Intimacy Through Humility

Reigniting Intimacy Through Humility Humility plays a significant role in our lives—especially in marriage. How we relate to our spouse greatly impacts our relationship with God. Reigniting intimacy through humility is not natural and will take work. But when we are...
SD#70 Choosing to Stay and Become Whole, Part 2

SD#70 Choosing to Stay and Become Whole, Part 2

Choosing to stay is hard. Choosing to stay and become whole is a hard choice, though far easier than not doing so. But when we walk with Christ through life’s drama, we can face anything as we abide in His strength and grace. We know from Scripture that this is...

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