Thankful Thought of the Day:
When we trust God at all times, He removes the shame that broken trust brings.
Scripture of the Day:
Psalm 22:5
“They cried out to you and escaped; they trusted in you and were not put to shame.”
Watching the children on the playground play the game of “trust”, I reminisced when I, too, had been a participant in that game. You know the game. With someone standing directly behind you, you are supposed to exhibit complete trust and peace while you let yourself freefall backward.
I never won that game. I was too careful. I tried, but at the end of the day, I was going to protect myself from getting hurt. Only problem is, breaking your fall in a fallen world does not mean that you won’t get hurt. There are other people around us falling or perhaps breaking our trust. What then?
People need to earn our trust to be able to confide in them, but when we look at our Savior who said he could not entrust himself to man because he knew what was in a man, we understand that trust is fragile.
We want to be able to have a safe place in this world, but that is not what God promised us. Giving grace when imperfect people lose our trust feels like a vulnerable place, but when we understand that God gives us that same grace when we fail, we extend that same forgiveness to others. Our safe place is with Him. He is trustworthy. We don’t need to try to make everything safe around us and couldn’t, anyway. When we trust God at all times, He removes the shame that broken trust brings.