Jeremiah 17:5, 7
“The Lord says, ‘I will put a curse on people who trust in mere human beings, who depend on mere flesh and blood for their strength, and whose hearts have turned away from the LORD. 7 My blessing is on those people who trust in me, who put their confidence in me. 10 I, the Lord, probe into people’s minds. I examine people’s hearts. I deal with each person according to how he has behaved. I give them what they deserve based on what they have done.'”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Prov. 3:5&6
Trusting in a God who is not visible seems impractical in our sophisticated world. Laughter perhaps emerges from others over our foolishness to place our faith in God as our Deliverer rather than something or someone seen. It seems naive, fantasaical, maybe even crazy. It is far easier to depend on flesh and blood – a relative, a friend, a government. But what happens when these are unreliable? Seeking to protect ourselves from being let down by others, we attempt to be self-sufficient. That does not work for long, either. What are we afraid of? Why not trust God with every aspect of our lives? Perhaps we are even afraid of God letting us down. Is He really good? Does He really control everything? Why does He permit difficulties in our lives and seemingly tolerate evil? Can He be trusted?
It might seem harsh to think of being cursed by God for leaning on someone else. Depending on a friend or a family member seems harmless enough. In fact, a brother is born for times of adversity. So why such strong language in the above verse? The hearts of God’s people had turned away from the LORD – because of looking to someone else for salvation. Worshiping the false god Baal, God’s people stooped to offering their own children in flames and participating in cannibalism. While the level they sank to seems like something we would never do, are we guilty of equivalent actions by our heart serving false gods, too? Are we diligent to protect our children from the influence of the world, or do we offer them up to the god of this culture – materialism, entertainment or comfort?
It can start easily enough – we are tired and worn – maybe a little entertainment will bring some relief. The gradual drift away from running to God becomes a craving to be numb from pain, maybe sprinkled with a little country club Christianity or religion. But these things were never meant to satisfy the God-placed hole in our heart that can only be satisfied by knowing God. God does not want us to be deceived – He alone is the One Who supplies all we need. He used other people and organizations to provide for us, but it is Him – the One Who made us, the One Who saved us, who we need to place our trust in. A job is not our Provider – it is a vehicle of provision. A generous friend or family member is not our Savior – God moved on their heart to bless. So how do we place our trust and confidence in God? By going before Him, crying out and searching His Word.
There are so many testimonies of God’s goodness and answers to prayers, I could fill a novel. But one case in particular, I hope will encourage your heart that God is trustworthy and will never let you down. His answer might not be what you want, but He will carry you through all of life’s trials. I was twenty-six and expecting with my daughter, Deborah, when the doctors informed me that the pregnancy was going to end in another miscarriage. My spirit said differently. I opened God’s Word and placed my trust and confidence in Him. I also did practical things such as resting, but the blood work continued to show that the pregnancy was not viable. The doctors insisted that they would need to give me a shot to reabsorb the fetus – it was not a valid pregnancy. I declined their solution and told them I knew God was going to save my child. They called me a fool for trusting God. Deborah is now a lovely 18-year-old with a lot of wisdom and love for God. I thank God for His promises and for being a living God, an ever-present help in times of trouble.
There are also testimonies of God allowing hardship in, but amazing faith and grace to walk through them. Comfortable? No – but at peace. Do you need hope today? It can be hard to keep that optimistic spirit alive when troubles abound, but our confidence can be in the Alpha and Omega, the One Who has always been and will always be. No matter what surrounds us, we can trust in and be encompassed about by the living God. There are a lot of fools who have gone before us – who did not belong to this world and who lived lives that glorified God. This great cloud of witnesses might not have been esteemed by man, but the fellowship with God they shared sustained them and ultimately led them to eternal bliss in Heaven. God loves us so very much, and wants to walk through this amazing gift called life with us. We can trust Him because of His character – He is Who He says He is – trustworthy, faithful and loving. Let’s put down the false idols and trust solely in God!
Lord, thank you that you are trustworthy. Thank you for modeling dependency on the Father and help us to walk with You.