
Inspirational Thought of the Day:

The irony in being used by God is that there is nothing in us that He needs.

Scripture of the Day:

Jeremiah 1:6-9

“I answered, “Oh, Lord GOD, I really do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young.” 7 The LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ But go to whomever I send you and say whatever I tell you. 8 Do not be afraid of those to whom I send you, for I will be with you to protect you,” says the LORD. 9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I will most assuredly give you the words you are to speak for me.”

It ought to comfort us that mighty men of God – Moses, Jeremiah – felt afraid and unqualified to serve God. But these men were not mighty of their own merit. They were mighty because of Who called them and equipped them. It was Who they were with – Who was living inside of them – that made the difference. God sees our weaknesses, too, but He delights to use us, anyway.

Man looks on the outward, but God looks on the inside to see if there is a willing spirit that desires to know and serve the living God.

It is the most amazing privilege of all to serve God and to speak His truth, but so often we can hold that truth in for fear of man’s perception of us. I get it. This week I wrote about the dishonor that comes from people who know us when we step out to serve God. But sometimes it might be our own selves that seem to be disqualifying us.

Ever said anything like, “I’m too young”, or perhaps “I’m too old”? Maybe it is the outward appearance that is a stumbling block to ourselves or we think to others. Statements like, “I’m not thin enough” or “I’m not handsome enough” or “I’m not popular enough or talented enough or smart enough”. Isn’t it neat to know that those are not the attributes God seeks for us to be usable by Him?


First things first. Are we available? Really available? Willing to be used without condition? We would likely answer yes to that question right off the bat. But this is a tough one. It might mean lack of comfort or seemingly unbearable pain.

Two defining moments for me in the area of service to God were when I was under great distress and surrendered to God. I have shared these moments previously in this blog, but feel led to do so again with this new perspective of availability. In those unlikely moments that seem purposeless, God can create places and moments of great purpose.

One such moment was when I was hospitalized with Pneumonia for nine days. I could barely move, let alone function. How would God use me here? Mightily.

In and out of a state of awareness, I saw a vision of me crying out to God saying, “Here am I. Send me.” “Even here?” was the LORD’s response. As I opened my eyes and looked around the room, I realized this was a mission from Him. Instead of feeling forgotten, I said “Yes, LORD. Even here.”

What a great opportunity would have been missed had I not sought the LORD in that place and let Him change my perspective. I was willing. He used me to encourage many on that floor, giving them all gifts that had been given to me and writing Scriptures on my board with the little strength I had. At the end of my stay, one nurse wanted me to know that she had rededicated her life to Christ after observing me. Wow. Not I, but Christ. He showed me the way.

Another such moment was when I was in an excruciating court battle and my children had to testify. This hurt me more than words could ever say. I wanted to protect them. The LORD wanted me to trust His protection. But more than that, He taught me another lesson about what it means to serve Him in all aspects of our lives.

One of my daughters approached me while I was weeping for my children. She said, “Mom, you are Ai Wei Dei”. This was a term given to Gladys Aylward, a missionary we had studied. Children she had rescued were calling her by this name, which meant, “virtuous one”. When my daughter called me by that name, she saw a woman in prayer and word, desperate for God’s intervention. But when she spoke those words, God spoke to me another word – just as Gladys had been on a mission to protect children, so was I. This was a calling and a purpose to guide my children through a painful, difficult season.

The preparations, headaches, hassle and stress from being falsely accused in court? They were part of a mission to protect my children. Oh, I was available – I honestly did not have a choice. But I did have a choice to fight for them and pray for them. God ultimately gave victory in court, but my perspective on what it means to be on a mission was transformed that day.


The irony in being used by God is that there is nothing in us that He needs. Why would He bother using us at all? We make a mess of things, and He alone possesses what is needed to fulfill His mission.

But our great God wants us to know Him. He wants us to play a part of His great redemption of mankind. Wow. In this way, people stand in awe that God could use fallen man to reach fallen man. Before salvation, we lived purposeless lives bent on filling our needs. After salvation, our regenerated souls understand the need for salvation and making such a great love known,

God just needs vessels yielded to Him who He can redeem and fill with His precious Holy Spirit. Will we be clay in His hands that He can shape and mold, or will we look at our defects and claim they make us unusable? God is able to take our weaknesses and turn them into strengths – all for His glory. Be filled. Be used. Don’t look at your abilities (He gave them anyway) or inabilities. Just look to Him and follow His mission.

Lord, thank You that You make and fill all the requirements within us that are needed to please You. Help us to be available to You and open the eyes of any who would read this today who do not know You. Save them, God – For Your glory alone.

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