A ship lost out at sea, an intruder in your home, a scorpion in your bed, a bully threatening you, a terrorist attack or world war III . . . all legitimate fears, I think. But what scares me the most is apathy concerning my faith in God.
It is easy to focus on the here and now – that is all that is in front of us. But to maintain a zeal for the unseen, which lasts forever is not easy to achieve. I can become easily distracted and thrown off of a consistent devotion time, or allow that time to become stale.
So many have walked before us living to please their flesh, but I cherish watching the faithful who never cease to seek God and know Him more. That is how I want to be, all my days. I want to leave a legacy of faith for my children, where they can say I walked with God and was not merely religious.
Life is a mere whisper in the voice of all of creation and time . . . I pray that I can remember that truth and make my life count for Jesus and His glory.
I love your heartfelt blog and hope you will accept the two wards I’ve nominated you for. You can check it out on my blog post today. Blessings,
Thanks, Ellie! I will check it out! God bless you!
Such lovely, humble reflections. I appreciate your seeing deep. =) Thank you for the follow. Welcome to my amazing community of thinkers. If I may, I thought the relevant post might interest: