A Memorial’s Purpose

A Memorial’s Purpose

Hope Discovery of the Day: We need to remember where we have come from to be able to have a redeeming plan for the future. Scripture of the Day: Isaiah 46:9 “Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one...

Thoughtful Thursday: Seize the Day!

Inspirational Thought of the Day: Seize the moments God gives and use them for eternity, for they vanish like the wind. Scripture: Job 14:1-2, 5 “Man, born of woman, lives but a few days, and they are full of trouble. 2 He grows up like a flower and then withers...

Manic Monday: But That Was Yesterday

Isaiah 43:18-19 18 “Don’t remember these earlier events; don’t recall these former events. 19 Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen!  Do you not recognize it?  Yes, I will make a road in the desert and paths in the wilderness.” Hebrews...

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